Sell your luxury items at Valois Vintage, a luxury consignment store located in the heart of Paris.

Summary of our process: 

In the event of sale of your item, you must send it as soon as possible (sending within the recommended 48 hours), the shipping costs are your responsibility, vOU can also consider a deposit in our premises:

-Valois Vintage Paris - 8, Rue des Saussaies 75008 Paris.

You will receive in return a good deposit, containing the description of your item and its deposit rates.

8 dayAfter the sending of the item to the buyer (which generally corresponds to 15 days after your shipment), s vOU will receive a bank transfer (send us by return of email your rib) corresponding to the amount of fixed deposit.

Thank you for your confidence
The Valois Vintage Paris team

Your informations
Your item